
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pictures from Lima

This is one of the first pictures I took in Lima.  These guys were just stationed all around the big plaza, and had no problem posing for a picture.  It was kind of creepy, but also reassuring.

Here is a great example of what the construction workers do:  one guy works, all the rest stand around and watch!

This man was very nice to let me take a few pictures as he and his daughter fed the pigeons.
Something startled them and they all took off and flew in a huge circle around the plaza! There were hundreds of them it was so cool, and rather scary.

Poor little girl didn't really want to feed them after that!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! I love the one with the building in the background, I'm a little rusty but would venture to say it has a lot of Baroque and NeoClassical influences. I really like the black and white with the splashes of color, although it looks like the city is painted so brightly it would be a shame not to capture those colors. Have fun but don't get arrested! :) I love you!
