
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dreaming of Snow

I am very happy to hear that there is SNOW on the ground in Minnesota!  YAY!  Hopefully we have a lovely white Christmas this year.  Here is Cusco, the rainy season is really starting to set in.  We have rainy almost every afternoon, which is nice because it's so dry here way up in the mountains.  Usually the rain doesn't last too long, which is nice, but it often rains really hard.

This week I am in the school again which is nice.  Last week a few of us long term volunteers had the week off since we had an excess of volunteers for that week.  It was great for the school, and it was nice to be able to have the whole day free.  I worked hard core on some marketing things with Lucy.  I set up a new blog, which you need to read:  Aldea Yanapay Cusco.  I will be updating that blog probably once a week, just describing more or less what we have done during the week with kids in art, games and family groups.  You should subscribe!

So this week I have a new family: Tigres, who are more or less 5 and 6 years old.  They are very cute, but they can be a handful, of course.  It's nice to be in a new class though, I love figuring out their personalities and how they are best kept interested in what we are doing.  Yesterday I took a bunch of pictures and just want to add them here so you can see how adorable my kids are :)

I'll write more soon :)  Not a whole has changed around here; I'm just trying to get the most out of every day and every moment that I spend with the children.  I miss everyone at home, and I hope you are all doing well!!  Lots of love,
Maia Jo

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