
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hanoi... mostly just the Hilton

Hello dear friends and family!

We are alive in Hanoi, Vietnam, and our first day has been a success.  By that, I mean that we accomplished two of the three things we planned on doing today. We woke up and found lunch, and then we went and visited the Hanoi Hilton. 

We landed last night and found the nice driver who brought us to our hostel (he had my name on a sign at the airport, as I was told by the reception people via email) and we went straight to bed, very tired after 28 hours of travel!  We slept in until after noon, then walked to a nice little restaurant that the hostel recommended to us for lunch.We felt very guilty not knowing any Vietnamese so I took out my Lonely Planet book and tried out a few basic words.  The young lady serving us found it quite funny to hear us try and fail to speak her language, but she was very nice and helpfully taught us the correct pronunciation.

After eating we walked through the middle of the city, around a beautiful lake and through some busy streets to the Hanoi Hilton, the prison that housed many American POW's during the Vietnam war, including Christa's grandpa Dave.  It was a surreal experience, very intense and Christa was quite upset by several things. The first half of the museum had pictures and artifacts and information about when the prison was used to contain and execute Vietnamese during the French occupation.  It was very sad, to be truthful, but in contrast to how it portrayed the time of the Vietnam American War, it was gruesome. What I mean to say is that the second half of the prison had pictures and artifacts of the American soldiers in the prison and they were portrayed to be very happy and well taken care of.  They were playing basketball and volleyball, celebrating Christmas and receiving great medical care.  Now, I'm sure that all happened, especially during the end of the war, but it was very unnerving to see that they completely ignored the atrocities that were committed against many American soldiers that were POWs.  The whole thing was to show how NICE they were to their prisoners... but Christa's grandfather has some intense and very saddening memories that prove exactly the opposite.  The museum had no mention of the torture that he experienced for three years, or proof of the cell used for solitary confinement that he was in for a year and a half...  I guess I shouldn't be surprised, most countries aren't too particularly willing to showcase how horribly they treat their prisoners, I mean the US has certainly been guilty of that.  It's just troublesome that it happened and was completely ignored in the memorial museum where it actually took place.

I'll put up pictures later, I think I need a nap right now though...  It's 4:30 in the afternoon here, and I think it's 5:30 am at home.. or something like that.  Anyway, tomorrow afternoon we fly to Kunming China and start the real backpacking adventures! Im glad we did the prison visit right away, now we know and have been there in honor of all American POWs from the Vietnam war.  Really, in honor of all pow's from all wars. Hope everything is going well at home! 

Lots of Love,
Maia Christa and Brooke


  1. Hi Maia!, it is awesome that you are doing this blog, especially if you cant access facebook. I realized after I was done talking with Christa that tomorrow is march 4th, and that is the 38th anniversary of when Grandpa Dave was released from the Hanoi Hilton - march 4, 1973.. Kinda strange that you guys are there for that.. I always like that Christa was born exactly in the middle of his "dates". He was shot down on march 10th, 1967 and when she was born on march 7th I thought well that gives him a real positive date in the middle of those two.

    I am so glad the flight was great and the first hostel is awesome, surely a portent of many good things to come for my 3 brave girls in Asia!!

  2. Girls--So happy that you are there safely. I am praying that your whole trip is enlightening, fun, and safe. You three are good American ambassadors and our world certainly needs examples of appreciation and respect for each other's cultures. Dad Google Earthed (there's a new verb!) Hanoi and we saw new and old photos of the Hanoi Hilton, and today I gave Pat and George a ride to the airport and he told of flying along the VietNam coast the day the regime fell and all the refugees were trying to flee the country any way they could. Do you guys know how lucky you are to be born in a free country that respects its citizens? I have to remind myself!
    Hope you are all getting decent sleep and eating healthy! Rice is nice.... Love to you all! Diane

  3. I'm so glad you girls are safe! Keep posting updates! I think of you girls often wondering where you are!

  4. Dear girls, we are so glad to hear from you. Keep the updates coming!
