
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hacienda Zuleta

I am finally going to post a blog that has more pictures than words!  Also, I just discovered this font and love it.  (I get all my fonts from Fonts for Peasit’s the absolute best!)  But this one is a lot like my handwriting, except my “r’s” are always capital. But “hoRse" looks a little weird so I’ll refrain from making all the r’s capitalized.

Okay, so I recently arrived at the Hacienda Zuleta in Ecuador where I am volunteering for the next five or six weeks.  

I will be primarily working with the horses and the tourists, and I will also be teaching an after school class a few days a week. I think I’m going to teach the kids about horses, big surprise! I have been overwhelmingly content to be working with horses again and I think I can never again go so long without them in my life. 

I will also be writing the blog and taking pictures for the Hacienda’s website. As soon as the blog is updated I’ll put up a link, but for future reference you can find it HERE. It’s in Spanish and English, so woohoo for more resume goodies!


Well, there are a few photos for you, hope you enjoy! Lots of love.


  1. Such beauty---the valley is breathtaking! What an inspiring place to be, Maia. Love the photo of the three horses by the stream with the mountains in the background.

  2. Thanks Mom! It's a good place for taking lots of pictures, that's for sure. As soon as I get to see the snow covered mountain that they tell me is nearby, I'll make sure to take lots of pictures to send :)
