
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Another Class, and a Few Pictures

Good Morning!

This will be a quick post as I have to go to the adult Yoga class this morning in Eshiakula, but I thought I'd put up a few more pictures. It's really nice to have Alicia to take a bunch of pictures for me, and she's very enthusiastic about documenting everything we do and helping to promote Amani! On Monday I taught a class for kids with disabilities at the EARC (Educational Assessment and Resource Center) that is located in Mumias.  We had a nice turn out, and the kids and adults all really enjoyed the class.  A few women from Amani also came to observe and participate since I am instructing them on how to continue with classes after I leave. That is one really wonderful thing about the members of Amani--they are very enthusiastic about learning the skills themselves in order to continue teaching and serving to others after we leave. Rukia is one lady, who is disabled herself, who will be taking over the kids' classes in the next few weeks. She is very excited for the opportunity, and Amani will pay her a small stipend to teach once or twice a week and bring classes to schools around the area. So here's a few pictures of things I have done and seen so far!

My first day at Amani!  Tony is holding the sign, he's just the nicest and most helpful guy ever, and Pamela is on the side, so full of energy and excitement and a wonderful dancer!

Beautiful cloth at the market in Mumias, I can't wait to buy some!

I was being carefully scrutinized by the gentlemen all lined up under the tree during market day.... It's impossible to be subtle about picture taking when all eyes are on you all the time simply as consequence for your "skin condition."

My first class at the Amani Center, we had quite an excellent turn out!

The kids and adults alike are very good at "moo-ing" during cow pose; it always makes them giggle!

Observers to my class with the disabled kids; the lady in the middle is Rose, an Amani member and I stayed at her house the other day.  The lady on the left was good about helping her little tot participate in all the yoga moves he could :)

A spontaneous class with the kids at Rose's house. They were so much fun! Language barriers are of little importance when you have smiles and laughter.

Thanks for reading! I'll write up a blog about my stay at Roses' house too, but I have lots to do here that has nothing to do with a computer so I'd best be off and running!

Love, love, love,

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